Episode #296: The Value of Thinking Long-Term with Drew Breneman

May 29, 2023

Making money slowly isn't necessarily sexy but today’s guest has learned from experience that there is no better path to long-term wealth than long-term thinking. We are joined by Drew Breneman, who began his real estate career at just 19 years old when he started Breneman Capital and bought his first four rental properties with money earned from the internet business he started in high school. After earning degrees in Real Estate and Urban Land Economics from the University of Wisconsin, he worked for three national real estate development firms, each of which focused on different product types from office and retail to market-rate and affordable multifamily. Drew is also the co-founder of the Blackhawk Investment Group and Dwelle, a Chicago-focused real estate investment and property management group. In this episode, Drew tells us how his ambition for finding the best investment vehicle for his earnings led him to real estate and how his make-money-slow approach has allowed him to achieve an impressive internal rate of return (IRR). We also discuss the power of reinvesting, why Drew likes to “keep it simple,” and why he recommends that new investors learn by doing while keeping trends in mind, plus so much more! Be sure to tune in today for a fascinating conversation with born-entrepreneur, Drew Breneman.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A look at the wide variety of entrepreneurial endeavors Drew has been involved in.
  • How he found real estate while searching for the best investment vehicle for his earnings.
  • Ways that long-term thinking or “delayed gratification” has played into his success.
  • The story of how Drew acquired his first milestone investor and partner.
  • How they achieved an average of 25% IRR across their deals in a 10-year period.
  • The power of reinvesting and why Drew is so focused on the execution of every deal.
  • What it means to Drew to keep things simple and how this reflects in his deals.
  • The value of learning by doing and taking action (when it makes sense to do so).
  • Drew's take on risk-adjusted returns and his advice for investors.
  • How you can benefit from keeping trends in mind when considering an investment.
  • Insight into Breneman Capital; markets, product types, investors, and more!
  • Key lessons from the biggest mistake that Drew made as a real estate investor.
  • How having a son has changed Drew’s perspective on success.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Drew Breneman on LinkedIn

Drew Breneman on Twitter

Drew Breneman on Instagram

Breneman Blueprint Podcast

Breneman Capital

FREE Real Estate Investor Guidebook for Passive Investors

Black Hawk Investment Group


Investing in Real Estate

Vertical Street Ventures 

VSV Academy 

Passive Income Through Multifamily Real Estate Facebook Group

Peter Pomeroy on LinkedIn

Peter Pomeroy Email

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