Our Blog
How To Make Real Estate Passive Income To Quit Your Job And Retire Early
Most people focus only on and only know about active income. Active income buys fancy cars, expensive homes, and designer clothing, all while simultaneously being taxed at the highest rate out of any income.Yep, read that last part again. Active income is the most...
How To Stop Trading Your Time For Money And Start Creating Passive Income
Imagine with me, that your workday began with the usual routine, but halfway through your morning, you received the news you’d been laid off. For most Americans, that means zero income starting tomorrow morning. Now, let’s pretend that during your employment, you...
5 Reasons Real Estate Is The Most Effective And Lucrative Investment
The vast majority of people spend their lives working full-time jobs to earn a “steady” paycheck. Meanwhile, the wealthy have somehow unlocked the secret to working less while making their money work for them. So what is it that the wealthy know that the rest of us...
Which Makes More Money, Rental Properties or Real Estate Syndications?
One question that comes up most often is, which investment provides a better return? People want to know if investing in real estate properties is more lucrative or if real estate syndications are truly the best choice. Real estate syndications’ major benefit of being...
What You Need to Know about Cap Rates as a Passive Investor
If you’ve invested in residential real estate before, you have some important, basic lingo like rental income, mortgage interest, and amortization under your belt. When you step into the world of commercial real estate, you’ll begin to see other terms, like “cap...
The Importance of Focusing on Capital Preservation
Let me ask you a question. What first interested you in real estate syndications? Most likely, it was the potential to put your hard-earned money to work for you to create a good return and thus grow your wealth over time. And in...
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